Making Math Magical. Mrs. Kelsey’s Classroom 2nd grade Carlisle County Elementary School Bardwell, Kentucky.

Making Math Magical.
Mrs. Kelsey’s Classroom 2nd grade Carlisle County Elementary School Bardwell, Kentucky.

We were one of five donors to this project!

Mrs. Kelsey’s project:
To give her students engaging and exciting math lessons and activities that are tied to our core content! These activities will make our math class magical and meaningful!

Her Students

I teach in a very rural public school with a high poverty rate and extremely limited resources. Every student at our school receives a free breakfast and lunch. I teach about 55 second graders on a daily basis that love learning and are excited to come to school every day. My classroom is a safe and fun learning environment for my students.

My students are authors, illustrators, readers, mathematicians, historians and scientists.

They have big dreams and I want them to be able to achieve those dreams! My dream is to provide them with everything they need in order to be able to successful.

Her Project

My passion has always been for my students to love and enjoy math. Our current math curriculum does not offer many fun and engaging activities. By purchasing the Magic of Math bundle on Teachers Pay Teachers, I can supplement my current math curriculum with fun and engaging math lessons and activities! These activities will provide my students with exciting activities and projects that they will remember beyond just learning that material for the test. My students will be able to make connections while learning and having fun! By donating to this project you will be helping me create a more engaging and exciting math class for my students!