December 6, 2018: We Need Technology!

We were one of nine sponsors for this project!

Mr. Wright’s Classroom

4th grade at Carlisle County Elementary School. Bardwell, Kentucky.

Information about this project as written by Mr. Wright.

My students are extremely talented, hardworking and love to be challenged. They soak up information like sponges and crave knowledge. They thoroughly enjoy the science activities that we perform on a weekly basis and have great ideas on how to make changes to produce different results. My students make teaching an enjoyable experience every day. However, we are lacking in the area of available technology to help them grow and get the most out of their science curriculum. Please help these wonderful students to become the best and brightest they can be.

My Project

Stemscopes is a great science curriculum with tremendous online capabilities. There are many fantastic activities and learning videos that students can access. They can even take quizzes and tests online, including short answer and extended response questions. Tablets limit the capabilities slightly and printing off the activities does not fully engage the students.

I am trying to build a classroom set of laptops so that students can get the full effect of the science curriculum and get the most out of learning.

These Chromebook laptops can also be used to perform research, create learning opportunities, and develop skills that will last them a lifetime.