Beau Dodson Weather was one of five donors for this project. This has actually been an ongoing project (there were additional tables purchased in separate fund raisers).
Mrs. Thomasson teaches at Jefferson Elementary in Massac County, Illinois.
In her third grade classroom, students work on many group lessons and projects, and through the course of these lessons she teaches her students many life lessons. She teaches them it is O.K. to make mistakes because that is how we learn, but it is disrespectful to make fun of those who give a wrong answer. She teaches her students how to work out conflicts within their groups peacefully while making sure that each voice is heard. She teaches them how to work together and to stand up for one another. She teaches her students to be tolerant of one another so that they then know how to be tolerant of others in the world around us. This project is marked as number three. She had two other projects that also include 2 desks each. She would like to work over the next year and get enough for the entire class.
Teaching kids how to interact and exchange ideas while being mindful of their language and behavior toward others is crucial to the future of our society. ~ Mrs. Thomasson